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Lambs to Lions, Inc., was founded by CEO Shawna Reed. It is a privately owned 501c3. Lambs to Lions, Inc. does not have any government affiliation. Board consists of trusted members within our community.

Not only have we met and spoken with several survivors from across the United States, this horror has found its way to our very own doorstep. This is personal for us and our organization.

A tragic misconception is that people think human trafficking is something that happens to people far away and it doesn’t happen right here in our free country. This is simply not true. While it most certainly does happen abroad, it absolutely happens right here in our own communities, towns and in our own backyards.

We exist to help bring awareness to this pandemic. It is real, it is painful and it is heartbreaking. The victims of this life of terror need our help.

None of us can defeat this alone, but together, as a community united, with the help of God Almighty, we believe we can make a difference.

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