Most, if not all, statistics currently available are now years old. These numbers are much, much higher.
Human trafficking earns global profits of roughly $150.2 billion a year for traffickers, $99 billion of which comes from commercial sexual exploitation.*
Reports indicate that a large number of child sex trafficking survivors in the US were at one time in the foster care system.*
Globally, an estimated 71% of enslaved people are women and girls, while men and boys account for 29%.*
Estimates suggest that about 50,000 people are trafficked into the US each year, most often from Mexico and the Philippines.*
Advocates report a growing trend of traffickers using online social media platforms to recruit and advertise targets of human trafficking.*​​
It’s estimated that internationally there are between 20 million and 40 million people in modern slavery today. Assessing the full scope of human trafficking is difficult because so many cases often go undetected, something the United Nations refers to as “the hidden figure of crime.” *
Estimates suggest that, internationally, only about .04% survivors of human trafficking cases are identified, meaning that the vast majority of cases of human trafficking go undetected. *

trafficking victims can be women, men, girls and boys